SafePC Home Premium Support

As part of the changes COVID and the digital transformation have generated, we see many users utilising home machines, sometimes not connected to the network via VPN but utilising web and remote resources. We’ve started to offer Home based licencing for anyone concerned that there machine is not currently up to speed with security, performance and stability.

Patching, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), monitoring, Anti-Virus Managed Detection and Remediation (MDR) and performance automation with full helpdesk services including remote support when needed for £2.31 per week.

There’s also the option for a bare metal recovery backup with Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) available with all the above and a continuous image update of unlimited size for £4.80 per week.

Get in touch for more information or request our free security audit of your system to get started.